From the left to the right: Neonsain by Alessandro Iovine; Alligator armchair by Estudio Campana for Carpenter's Workshop Gallery and Friedman Benda; Silla Peluda by Pablo Reinoso; Vase and tables by Maria Thereza Alves and Jimmie Durham for Labinac.
Ph. Federico Floriani

Located in the heart of Venice, right next to the Accademia bridge, SPARC*-Spazio Arte Contemporanea is a private apartment facing Campo Santo Stefano and turned into an exhibition space in 2017.

For the third edition of the Venice Design Biennial, SPARC* hosted the first part of Design As Self-Portrait. The exhibition investigated the increasingly important role that design plays in what we choose to communicate our identity, in the permanent swing between use and representation, reality and virtuality.

Curated by: Luca Berta and Francesca Giubilei

May 20 > June 27, 2021
SPARC* - Spazio Arte Contemporanea
Campo Santo Stefano, Sestiere San Marco, 2828A

Graphic design Sebastiano Girardi Studio, photo courtesy Chong Lip Mun

In this context, the young Czech designer Tadeas Podracky, winner of the first edition of the Venice Design Biennial Residency 2020, exhibited his new series of works "Fading Reflection", the result of the Venetian experience in contact with the local artisan tradition of Ongaro and Fuga Specchi Veneziani.

Designers on show:

Alessandro Iovine, Audrey Large for Nilufar Gallery, Bert Loeschner, Duccio Maria Gambi, Elisa Ossino for Amini, Arte 9 Milano, De Castelli, Officine Saffi and Salvatori, Estudio Campana for Carpenters Workshop Gallery and Friedman Benda, Jimmie Durham and Maria Thereza Alves for LABINAC, Mohamed Hamden Tarek, OrtaMiklos for Functional Art Gallery, Pablo Reinoso, Rita GT and Touche-Touche for Everyday Gallery.

Ph. Federico Floriani.

From the left to the right: 2x Moving toward you with the same tempo by Rita GT; O Edition for Arte 9 Milano, Teorema for Amini, Urano for Salvatori by Elisa Ossino. Ph. Federico Floriani.

From the left to the right: Tale of Frac by Touche Touche for Everyday Gallery; Fading Reflection by Tadeas Podracky; Metabowl#2 by Audrey Large for Nilufar Gallery;

On left: Pariette Cactus by Ortamiklos for Functional Art Gallery. In the Gallery: InerteGrafico S1 by Duccio Maria Gambi; 2x Moving toward you with the same tempo by Rita GT; Tale of Frac by Touche Touche for Everyday Gallery; The Circle by Elisa Ossino for Officine Saffi. Ph. Federico Floriani, Ph. Veronika Motulko.

From above: Color Rhythm by Elisa Ossino for De Castelli; Silla Peluda by Pablo Reinoso; Perfectly Imperfect by Maria Thereza Alves for Labinac. Ph. Federico Floriani.

For above: Neonsain by Alessandro Iovine in collaboration with arch. Chiara Giannini; Alligator Banquete by Estudio Campana for Carpenters Workshop Gallery and Friedman Benda; Spiderchair + Perfectly Imperfect by Maria Thereza Alves and Near the settlement + Ordinary valor while confronting daily life by Jimmie Durham for Labinac; Broom-Story of Tarek’s life by Mohamed Hamed Tarek in collaboration with UNHCR and Helen Storey. Ph. Federico Floriani.